If you placed an order with us and never received an order confirmation email, it means your transaction was queued for manual phone verification (not processed yet) as we need to call you. Phone verification is not a sales call. You will get a friendly verification call from our payment processor agent to confirm the recent transaction you made.
Phone verification is required for all orders placed on our website using a credit or debit card. Payofix is our reliable and trusted payment processing partner for over 4 years. It will want to make contact with the cardholder to confirm the transaction over the phone.
You may skip the phone verification, and your transaction will be approved immediately from our side if you have at least one confirmed order with us dating back at least 6 months.
You will be asked a few details to ensure the credit card transaction is genuine – you will have to mention the order amount and the name of the merchant (ModafinilXL) to an agent. Please make sure you leave a valid phone number while placing your order.
Some banks place restrictions on foreign transactions to prevent fraud. To avoid a declined transaction, you should contact your card issuing bank, ask them to allow credit card transactions from overseas to go through, and then place a new order.
Top credit card decline reasons and solutions >
If a transaction can not be verified over the phone within five business days, we will usually decline it and cancel your order.
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